Thursday, March 13, 2008

Edgar Cayce Reading 1204-3

For, know that each soul constantly meets its own self. No problem may
be run away from. Meet it now!

Edgar Cayce Reading 1204-3

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

P. 108 The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna

Je-Lok Kamanashunya Hoye Karma Korbe Se Nijer-i Mongol korbe.

The man, who works for others, without any selfish motive, really does
good to himself.
P. 108 The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Be Perfectly Resigned ....

"Be perfectly resigned, perfectly unconcerned; then alone can you do
any true work. No eyes can see the real forces; we can only see the
results. Put out self, forget it; just let God work, it is His

Swami Vivekananda

Edgar Cayce Reading 1792-2

"Hence again might that injunction be given the entity not to be too
easily discouraged. Brace up! Know in what ye have believed and do
believe, but know who is also the author of such. For life is real,
life is earnest, and the grave is not the goal!" Edgar Cayce Reading

Edgar Cayce Reading 2811-3

Know ye this, each of you: The law of the Lord is perfect, ye cannot
get around it. Ye may for the moment submerge it, but thy conscience
will smite thee.

Edgar Cayce Reading 2811-3

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Edgar Cayce Reading 938-1

For Life and its expressions are one. Each soul or entity will and
does return, or cycle, as does nature in its manifestations about man;
thus leaving, making or presenting--as it were--those infallible,
indelible truths that it--Life--is continuous. And though there may be
a few short years in this or that experience, they are one; the soul,
the inner self being purified, being lifted up, that it may be one
with that first cause, that first purpose for its coming into

Edgar Cayce Reading 938-1

Edgar Cayce Reading 1224-1

If the experiences are ever used for self-indulgence,
self-aggrandizement, self-exaltation, each entity does so to its own
undoing, or creates for self that as has been termed or called
karma--and must be met. And in meeting every error, in meeting every
trial, in meeting every temptation--whether these be mental or really
physical experiences--the manner and purpose and approach to same
should be ever in that attitude, "Not my will but Thine, O God, be
done in and through me."

Edgar Cayce Reading 1224-1

Edgar Cayce Reading 2936-2

Learn the lesson well of the spiritual truth: Criticize not unless ye
wish to be criticized. For, with what measure ye mete it is measured
to thee again. It may not be in the same way, but ye cannot even think
bad of another without it affecting thee in a manner of a destructive
nature. Think well of others, and if ye cannot speak well of them
don't speak! but don't think it either!

Edgar Cayce Reading 2936-2

Gospel of Holy Mother

Since death has no fixed hours, one should perform holy duties as
soon as an opportunity comes. P. 332 The Gospel of The Holy Mother

The Gospel of The Holy Mother

It is wise to take refuge in Him. He will always give you whatever is
P. 332 The Gospel of The Holy Mother

The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna

1. "But why should God make us run about?"Sri Ramakrishna:
"It is His will that we should run about a little. Then it is great
fun. God has created the world in play, as it were. This is called
Mahamaya, the Great Illusion. Therefore one must take refuge in the
Divine Mother, the Cosmic Power Itself. It is She who has bound us
with the shackles of illusion. The realization of God is possible only
when those shackles are severed."
P. 116 The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna

The Gospel of The Holy Mother

One should pray for devotion and desirelessness; for such a prayer
does no harm. P. 332 The Gospel of The Holy Mother