Tuesday, December 04, 2007

The Gospel of Strength

The sign of vigour, the sign of life, the sign of hope, the sign of
health, the sign of everything that is good, is strength.

Mark you, those things which you see in pusillanimous, effiminate
folk who speak in a nasal tone chewing every syllable, whose voice is
as thin as of one who has been starving for a week, who are like a
tattered wet rag, who never protest or are moved even if kicked by
anybody - those are the signs of death, not of sattva [the calm and
balanced state] - all corruption and stench... During these last
thousand years, the whole country is filling the air with the name of
the Lord and is sending its prayers to Him; and the Lord is never
lending His ears to them. And why should He? When even man never hears
the cries of the fool, do you think God will? Now the only way out is
to listen to the words of Lord in the Gita, "yield not to unmanliness,
O Partha!"

This I lay down as the first essential in all I teach: anything that
brings spiritual, mental, or physical weakness, touch it not with the
toes of your feet.

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